How to climb Mount Everest responsibly

This article was produced by National Geographic Traveller (UK).

Rising to 29,032ft on the border between Nepal and Tibet, Mount Everest — known as Sagarmatha by the Sherpa people of Nepal — has held an almost mystical allure for climbers and hikers since it was first summitted by New Zealand’s Edmund Hillary and Sherpa mountaineer Tenzing Norgay in 1953.

But 2024 marks a significant moment in the story of the world’s tallest mountain. As mountaineers gather in Nepal for the start of the spring climbing season, they face a raft of new rules and restrictions.

Introduced by the regional government, the new Base Camp Management Procedure is intended to improve safety, support local communities and shrink the mounds of rubbish building up on Everest. From wearing mandatory GPS trackers to carrying their faeces down the mountain, climbers have more to consider than ever before.

However, only a tiny fraction of travellers to Everest actually visit the summit. Most trekkers set their sights on surrounding Sagarmatha National Park, the Everest viewpoint at Kala Patthar and Everest Base Camp — the tent village used by mountaineering expeditions, perched at 17,598ft beside the Khumbu Glacier.

Offering a fascinating insight into the world of high-altitude climbing, Base Camp is the only place where hikers will be affected by the new rules for mountaineers. Here’s what you need to know to visit Everest responsibly.

What’s changed at Everest Base Camp?

Trekkers can still end the two-week Everest trek with a day trip from Gorak Shep to the mountaineers’ tent village at Everest Base Camp, but those who wish to stay overnight may find it harder to arrange. The new rules ban commercial enterprises at Base Camp, including the bakeries and massage tents that used to cater to day-trippers; you may still be able to get a cup of tea and a bite to eat, but don’t expect luxuries.

Can I get to the summit?

Climbing Everest is a more serious undertaking than trekking to Base Camp. Around 600 people complete the perilous ascent every year, but it requires months of preparation, support from a mountaineering agency and fees of over £80,000. If you join an expedition, the team will guide you through the new climbing rules, including where to get hold of the faeces bag provided by the Sagarmatha Pollution Control Committee.

Sherpa's working in the Everest region in Nepal by carrying supplies on their backs. Sherpa people are an ethnic group in eastern area of the country.

Hikers should make sure guides and porters are being fairly paid and protected by insurance to support their families in case of accidents.

Photograph by Neil White, Alamy

How do I support local people?

Many of the new rules for mountaineers are designed to benefit Sherpa guides and porters, and trekkers can play their part on the hike to Everest Base Camp, too. Since April 2023, it’s been a legal requirement for trekkers in Sagarmatha National Park to hire a licensed Nepali guide through a trekking agency, which provides much-needed employment for Himalayan communities (the Trekking Agencies’ Association of Nepal has a list of registered agencies). Hiring local porters and staying and eating in village teahouses, rather than camping, will also provide work for Sherpa people.

Question prospective trekking agencies to make sure guides and porters are being fairly paid (at least $21 (£17) per day for guides and $18 (£14) per day for porters) and protected by insurance to support their families in case of accidents. Poverty is a big issue in the mountains and some porters still tackle the trails in flip-flops due to the unaffordability of hiking gear; make sure your hired team have appropriate clothing and footwear.

Another option is to travel with a responsible international operator. Intrepid and Exodus are two major travel companies that use local guides and porters and have established programmes to train the next generation of mountain workers in Nepal.

Before you trek, visit the Kathmandu Environmental Education Project (KEEP) in the capital’s traveller hub neighbourhood of Thamel to learn more about responsible trekking. Visit again at the end of your trek to donate any unwanted gear; it will go to porters who need it.

How do I protect the environment? 

Climate change is causing glacial melting and flooding across the Himalayas. If you want to reduce your carbon footprint, take a bus and hike to the trailhead at Lukla, rather than flying from Kathmandu. It adds six days to the two-week Everest Base Camp trek, but will bring income to villages off the main trail.

Regardless of which route you’re trekking, try to stay in lodges that heat water and generate electricity using solar power or water-powered generators. If travelling independently, look out for this equipment as you enter villages. If joining an organised trek, mention to the agency that lodges that have taken sustainability measures are your preferred accommodation.

A lone hiker hiking through the snow covered trail at Mount Everest.

In 2023, nearly 60,000 people followed the same route to ​Base Camp.

Photograph by Westend61 GmbH, Alamy

What can I do to help reduce overtourism?

In 2023, nearly 60,000 people visited the spectacular sweep of mountains, glaciers, Buddhist monasteries and Sherpa villages covered by Sagarmatha National Park. Although the park covers 443sq miles, most trekkers follow a well-established trail to Base Camp, via Namche Bazar, Tengboche, Periche or Pangboche and Gorak Shep. You can spread the economic benefits of tourism by breaking your trek at smaller villages and guesthouses, rather than the busy main overnight stops.

Also investigate quieter trekking routes. There are many rewarding alternatives or add-ons to the Everest Base Camp trek inside Sagarmatha National Park, including the dramatic hike to the jewel-like Gokyo Lakes and the challenging Three Passes Trek, linking three breathlessly high, prayer-flag-strewn mountain passes rising to 18,160ft at Kongma La.

Is there specific mountain etiquette?

Most Sherpas are Buddhist, so treat prayer flags and other religious objects with respect. Ask before you take photos of people, remove your shoes before entering homes or monasteries, walk clockwise around stupas and avoid pointing your feet towards people or images of Buddha. Locals dress modestly, so trekkers should do the same — shorts and T-shirts are fine for walking but avoid revealing outfits. Public displays of affection can also cause embarrassment.

Begging is common on the trails. If you want to help, donate to a local charity or approach schools or community centres rather than handing out gifts that won’t make a lasting difference. Books, stationery, toothpaste, toothbrushes and unwanted trekking gear are useful items to donate.

What can I do to protect the trails? 

Stick to them. It’s important that trekkers always follow established paths rather than hiking through undergrowth, and avoid shortcuts between switchbacks, as these can increase erosion, destabilising the slopes. Also be careful to respect nature while out in the wilderness. Don’t pick flowers, crush plants or feed wild animals that you see on the trails. It’s best to stay a fair distance away from the local wildlife, as animals can carry diseases and feeding them might make them ill or change their natural behaviour.

A puja ceremony at the Everest Base camp. Hikers sit on the ground as a puja ceremony is performed in front of them.

New rules at Everest Base Camp ban commercial enterprises, including the bakeries and massage tents that used to cater to day-trippers.

Photograph by Robert Harding, Alamy

How can I clean up Everest?

Avoid bringing single-use plastic packaging and plastic bags onto the trails. Don’t drop litter while hiking; consider bringing an empty canvas bag so you can gather up any rubbish you find on the trails and transport it back to Lukla, which has a government-backed rubbish-removal service. Carry toxic spent batteries from equipment such as torches or GPS devices back to Kathmandu.

Throw-away plastic water bottles are the bane of the Himalayas; it’s far better for the environment to carry a reusable bottle and purify your own water with a filter pump or chemical purification tablets. Use proper toilet facilities wherever possible; if you have to go while out on the trail, dig a hole well away from water sources and fill it in when you’re done.

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