Initiating counselling services before the start of the retrenchment process is crucial. Such preemptive support prepares employees for the emotional toll of job loss and provides a confidential environment to discuss anxieties and concerns, significantly reducing stress related to upcoming changes.

Maintaining clear and open communication throughout the retrenchment process is vital. Employees should be well-informed about the reasons behind layoffs, the criteria used for making such decisions, and the logistics involved. Transparency in this process helps mitigate the spread of rumours and misinformation that can exacerbate employee stress and anxiety.

Providing financial planning services assists employees in effectively managing their post-job loss financial situation. Guidance on budgeting, navigating financial aid, managing severance packages, and understanding benefits like unemployment insurance supports workers in their transition from employment to unemployment.

Extending support with career transition services is essential. This includes offering resume writing workshops, career coaching, interview preparation, and job search resources, which facilitate a smoother transition to new employment opportunities. Collaborating with employment agencies can enhance this support, helping place retrenched workers in suitable new positions.

Finally, continuing to offer access to mental health resources after retrenchment is crucial for supporting the well-being of former employees. Extending Employee Assistance Programmes to cover the period until re-employment and providing therapy sessions or referrals to mental health professionals, can significantly aid in the psychological adjustment during this challenging time.

Together, these measures not only help mitigate the immediate impact of retrenchment but also contribute to a culture of care within the organisation, reinforcing its reputation as a responsible employer.

A comprehensive care framework is essential for assisting employees through the difficult transitions associated with job loss, ensuring they feel supported every step of the way and preventing long-term mental health difficulties.

Dr Lim Boon Leng is a psychiatrist at the Gleneagles Medical Centre.

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