I’m currently learning about tokenization in Java and I have a few questions about how to effectively use and control tokenizers. I’ve come across different tokenizer classes like StringTokenizer, Scanner, and StreamTokenizer, but I’m not sure which one to use in different scenarios. Here are my specific questions:

What are the main differences between StringTokenizer, Scanner, and StreamTokenizer, In which scenarios should I prefer one tokenizer over the others?

Could give me examples to expalin them? Through wiki or gpt reply, I am still confused about that.

What I Tried:

I tried using StringTokenizer to split a sentence into words based on spaces. It worked, but I found it difficult to handle more complex delimiters like punctuation marks. I then experimented with Scanner, which seemed more flexible with delimiters but required more configuration. Finally, I looked into StreamTokenizer, but it seemed more complicated and I’m not sure if it’s the right tool for simple tokenization tasks.

What I Expected:

I expected to find a straightforward way to tokenize strings with varying delimiters without too much overhead or complexity. I hoped each class would have clear advantages for specific use cases.

What Actually Happened:

StringTokenizer was easy to use but limited in handling complex delimiters. Scanner provided more flexibility but required additional setup. StreamTokenizer seemed powerful but overly complex for simple tasks. I felt unsure about which class to use for different scenarios and how to effectively control delimiters.

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