How to successfully pivot to a career in AI, and earn more money

However that doesn’t mean tech professionals who aren’t involved in AI should sit back and wait to see how things unfold. 

According to Statista, the AI market is expected to grow to over $1.8T globally ($26.89B in the UK) by 2030. And when you look at some of the salaries AI jobs command—Indeed’s Workforce Insights Report has calculated that having Gen AI skills can power up your  earning potential to the tune of $174,727, or a 47% difference with the skill versus without. Similarly, prompt engineering roles in the US are reportedly paying in excess of £300,000

3 AI roles hiring right now

And from using a chatbot to help you plan out a presentation to utilising AI to read and interpret vast sets of data, there are many ways workers can utilise AI to make themselves more efficient by speeding up simple tasks and in turn, increasing productivity.

“The discourse around AI’s implications on employment, particularly in tech, warrants a nuanced understanding. It’s pivotal to recognise that AI’s role extends beyond task automation; it serves as a catalyst for job evolution and the creation of new, specialised roles,” suggests Aileen Allkins, CEO of TeKnowledge, a digital transformation consultancy that offers managed services, digital skilling solutions and cybersecurity strategies. 

“This tech shift underscores the importance of adaptability and the acquisition of new competencies where AI enhances human capabilities rather than supplants them.”

That said, if you want to future proof your career one step further, pivoting to a job that is solely focussed on furthering the development of AI is a viable option. 

Getting started

So how can those with a background in tech capitalise on the AI rush and pivot to a role within the field

Allkins has the following practical advice: “For anyone looking to pursue a career in AI, a strong educational background in areas like mathematics, statistics, and computer science is vital. Proficiency in programming languages and an understanding of core AI concepts such as machine learning and neural networks are also essential.”

However, she also advocates that technical skills are just one part of the equation and proficiency in soft skills will set you apart from the competition. “Creativity and problem-solving abilities are equally important as AI often requires innovative thinking to develop effective solutions,” she says. 

3 remote AI roles in the UK 

This correlates with data released by the World Economic Forum as part of its Future of Jobs report which highlights that skills including critical thinking, resilience, flexibility and agility are paramount for workers in the future. 

“In the vast and interconnected world of technology, roles focused on data analysis and software development offer critical analytical and programming skills that are directly applicable to AI,” shares Allkins. 

“It’s important to highlight that these skills are learnable and that transitioning into specialised fields like cybersecurity and AI is within reach for those with a base in tech.”

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