I am new to using Sling Data and need some help with the installation process and extracting data from a database. Here is what I have done so far:

1. Installation:

I have downloaded the Sling Data library from Sling Data GitHub repository sling data.
I am not sure if there are any additional dependencies or specific setup steps required for my development environment.

2. Configuration:

I am working with a PostgreSQL database.
I need to know how to configure Sling Data to connect to my PostgreSQL database.

3. Data Extraction:

Once connected, I need to extract data from a specific table and perform some basic data manipulations.
I would appreciate an example or a step-by-step guide on how to write the necessary queries and handle the data.
Here is my current setup:

Operating System: [Windows]
Database: PostgreSQL
Development Environment: [VSCode]

What are the exact steps to properly install Sling Data and its dependencies?
How do I configure Sling Data to connect to a PostgreSQL database?
Can someone provide a basic example of extracting data from a PostgreSQL database using Sling Data?

Any help or pointers would be greatly appreciated. Thank you!

I’ve installed postgresql, and I need to install sling data

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