How to stop mosquito bites from itching

Mosquito bites are an (unfortunate) inevitability of spending more time in nature, and during the summer months, sometimes it simply does not matter how much bug spray you apply. If you are battling the incessant itching that comes with getting bitten by mosquitoes, we’ve got you covered with a few doctor-approved tips that will help you fight the urge to scratch your mosquito bites.

From oral medications to topical creams, there are plenty of over the counter and natural remedies that can help diffuse the itchiness of your bites. Dr. Jen Caudle, a family physician and assistant professor at Rowan University, breaks down everything you need to know about finding fast relief. 

Why do mosquito bites itch?

When you are first bitten by a mosquito, you will typically experience a localized reaction around the site of the bite. Common symptoms include “some itching, maybe a little bit of tenderness or pain, some redness, some swelling as well,” she says. 

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