newunicodechar – How to renewunicodechar? – TeX

I like to use \newunicodechar (for example, as in the doc: \newunicodechar{♪}{\eighthnote}). But, how can I use it to redefine a character that already has a definition? Without generating a warning. For example, \newunicodechar{®}{\textsuperscript{\textregistered}} spits out (as documented): “Package newunicodechar: Redefining Unicode character.”
I was expecting to find a command similar to \renewunicodechar to avoid the warning, but that doesn’t seem to exist.

I know about \DeclareUnicodeCharacter but I’d prefer using the unicode character, as permitted by \newunicodechar, and I know about \makeatletter \@namedef{u8:\detokenize{ū}}{\={u}} \makeatother but I’d prefer something less scary if possible.

So, in summary: is there a simple and readable way to properly redefine a unicode character?

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