How to see best meteor shower of year

There’s a reason the Perseid meteor shower is considered to be the best of the year.

With its whizzing meteors and blazing fireballs, the celestial phenomena reliably puts on a spectacle every year for skygazers around the world. Yet perhaps the best part of the Perseids is that they peak not in the colder months like the Leonids of November or Geminids of December, but in the warm summertime.

And in 2024, that peak happens to be on track to occur this weekend.

Spectators who step outside at just the right time may be treated to the sight of up to 100 meteors streaking across the night sky per hour, leaving long wakes of light and color behind them. Even better, in a stroke of luck, this year’s Perseids peak just happens to coincide with a potential appearance of the famed aurora borealis, or northern lights.

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