Imagine I have an acronym entry \newacronym{rmse}{RMSE}{root-mean-square error} and I specifically want to refer to the test set RMSE, explaining eg. the concept of cross-validation. Imagine furthermore that I cannot (or do not want to) assert the status of the first use flag of that entry at some particular point in the document.

Things like test set \gls{rmse} will not work properly on first use, because it will produce something like “test set root-mean-square error (RMSE)”, but I would rather have it display “test set root-mean-square error (test set RMSE)”, to avoid confusion about what exactly “RMSE” stands for.

I could use a construction like \gls{rmse} on the test set, but find it very inelegant, especially in the non-first-use case.

Below is a MWE showing my current workaround using a combination of ifglsused and some other glossaries commands:


\newacronym{rmse}{RMSE}{root-mean-square error}

        % short
        #1 \gls{#2}%
        % long
        #1 \glsentrylong{#2} (#1 \glsentryshort{#2})\glsunset{#2}%

    Step 4: Compute the \mygls{test set}{rmse}.

    Step 4: Compute the \mygls{test set}{rmse}.

Output of the above LaTeX code block

As can be seen, this works quite well, but is very inflexible (I might want to \myGls or \myglspl, for example).

Is there a better way to do this? Preferably, a glossaries or glossaries-extra command that I somehow happened to oversee?


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