How to Donate |

Hunger No More: Find Free Food Near You_1

Food donations are accepted at either the Campus Life Office or the Student Health Center. Monetary tax deductible donations are accepted through the Fredonia College Foundation specific to the “Health Center Food Pantry Fund”.

Here are some ideas for donations:

  • Canned foods with pull top openings, ie: soups, beans, vegetables
  • Boxed foods, ie: rice, macaroni and cheese, cereal​, granola bars
  • Individual Packet, ie: oatmeal, chips, crackers, nuts, ramen noodles
  • ​Fruit cups​
  • Pasta and sauce
  • Deodorant
  • Feminine hygiene products
  • Toothpaste and brushes
  • Toilet paper
  • Individual care, ie: facial and body wash, shampoo and conditioner

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