How to get Pro Walker for renders again? – Extensions

Hi Users, I used to work on Sketchup 2019 and as a plugin I would use Pro walker which gave me amazing renders. All of a sudden one day, 2019 SketchUp stopped working and I was not able to use Pro walker plugin in 2021 Pro that I also had installed.

I tried installing Prowalker (in2021) but realized that Sketchup has discontinued Prowalker but instead has Podium walker now which doesn’t give great results as Prowalker did.

I want to use Prowalker with SketchUp regardless for my renders again, do you guys recommend downloading 2019 Pro? How can I again install the old version Pro walker plugin? Pls let me know.

Thanks a lot for your suggestions.

Prowalker wasn’t a SketchUp product and they didn’t discontinue it. It was a Podium product. Perhaps you should contact the Podium folks. I expect they can give you some support.

Why did it stop working? Although it hasn’t been supported for years it should still be functional.

What version of SketchUp are you now using? Your profile says you have a subscription for SketchUp 2019. Have you updated to the current version of SketchUp as you’ve renewed your subscription? Maybe the latest version of Podium will do what you need.

My 2019 SketchUp stopped working may be my subscription automatically got updated. You recommend downloading current version of SU podium in 2021 SketchUP?

Updating your subscription would not make SketchUp 2019 stop working. Allowing your subscription to expire would make SketchUp stop working.

Are you using a cracked version of SketchUp 2021?

My recommendation is to install SketchUp 2024 and the current version of Podium (v2.6) so everything is up to date and so that you have official support for both.

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Thankyou and how can I then install Pro walker? I don’t want Podium walker! It doesn’t give the same results:(
Can you send e a link pls to install Pro walker?


Here’s the link I found with a simple Google search.

They discontinued support for this a long time ago, though. As I told you in my first reply, you should contact their customer support.

I presume you ARE using a cracked version of SketchUp. Is that right?

No thats not right, I am using and paying for the subscription every year.
Thankyou for the link.

Why not update to the current version of SketchUp then? 2021 is not supported by the Warehouses, nor any of the other web based services.

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