Many years ago, my family’s placid and much-loved dog, Renoir, died on New Year’s Eve after being hit by a car on a busy road far from our house.

He’d managed to squeeze himself through a cracked window about the width of a fist — much too small for a dog to even consider in normal circumstances but clearly Reni had been terrified by the fireworks and driven into a frenzy.

As shocking as this was to our family, it’s not a unique story.

Hundreds of dogs end up in pounds across Australia on firework nights as they have escaped the property to try to escape the noise,” says Julia Cockram, a dog behaviour consultant from Naarm/Melbourne-based greyhound rescue group Gumtree Greys.

“It’s important to ensure your dog is secure inside the house, with doors and windows shut.

“Dogs have jumped out of second-storey windows, scaled 10-foot fences and even jumped through glass windows, so staying at home may also be a good option with dogs who have high anxiety around fireworks.”

Desensitise your dog to fireworks

The good news is there are ways to help prepare your dog for very noisy events, such as fireworks, thunderstorms and even road work.

Jenny Harlow is a dog trainer from Eotra Nation/Sydney who specialises in resolving separation anxiety. She recommends desensitisation training.

Jenny Harlow, a middle-aged woman with short hair, with one of her dogs — a small collie.

Jenny Harlow recommends that dog owners try to stay calm on New Year’s Eve, too: “If you are calm, it will help your dog”.(Supplied: Silver Shadow Photography)

“Desensitisation is a training method that introduces an experience in tiny steps, slowly teaching the animal that the sound or event is acceptable,” she says.

“In the case of fireworks, introduce a recording of the noise at a very low volume, increasing it slowly so that the dog stays calm without reacting to the noise trigger.

“The aim is that the dog has a neutral response when they hear the noise.”

Soundtracks of fireworks are available online and the process is best started at puppy age, although it can be helpful for a dog of any age.

An alternative to desensitisation training is medication, a common treatment option for dogs who suffer anxiety.

Ms Harlow recommends talking to your vet about whether medication might be suitable, and to trial it well before New Year’s Eve.

“It is much better for your dog to be calm during the fireworks than to be experiencing an overwhelming stress event.

“Medication can help many dogs get through these events without experiencing panic.”

Create a safe space for your dog

Creating a safe space for your dog to use during fireworks, and establishing this space well in advance, is another option.

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