I don’t know how to use a webhook and I don’t understand why – Questions & Answers

Hello. I am a beginner in automation and programming.

I have created a scenario in which a webhook is supposed to activate a Notion module. When I activate the scenario on Make, it seems to work perfectly, at least I get what I want on Notion.

I want to activate the webhook on demand via Touch Portal, but unfortunately, every time I click on my Touch Portal button, my request ends up in the queue. I also tested with Postman, and again my request ends up in the queue.

My webhook module is a custom webhook, the only modification I have made to it is the connection with the webhook that is in my list on the Make website, the webhook is active and it is active in the scenario.

The scenario

The webhook

What is waiting in the queue.

The logs.

integration into touch portal

Where does the problem come from?

Hello, @RBaptiste
I hope everything is going well for you.

You may try changing scheduling form (on demant) to (Immediately)
Screenshot (73)

Let me know if you need any assistance with this.
If you find my solution satisfactory, please mark it as solved.


OMG, I’ve been working on the problem for hours, of course I had tested your solution, but the elements in the queue that chained in Notion after activation made me think that I didn’t understand this ‘immediately’ function, I hadn’t paid attention to the elements in the queue.

Thank you, the solution is good.


Make is easy if you know what to look out for. If you want to learn more about Make, you can read up in the Help Center. I also recommend doing the tutorials in the Make Academy, and learn advanced skills like how to make custom apps to any API in the Make Partner Training Portal – both even have certificates for successful completion.

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