Music executive, Jude Okoye, speaks to VICTORIA EDEME about his fatherhood journey and the legacy he hopes to leave for his children

When you reflect on your experiences as a dad, what would you say fatherhood is?

Fatherhood is about being there for your kids; providing and protecting them, and making sure they are okay.

How many children do you have and what do you love most about being a father?

I have three children; two girls and a boy. What I love most about being a father is making memories with my kids, having a good time, making them laugh, and making them happy.

Is there a difference between how you were raised and how you are raising your children now?

There is a difference between how I was raised and how I am raising my kids. I was raised in a family where we were neither rich nor poor. We were just there. We just managed to move on. My dad was raising eight children, so you can imagine how hard it would have been for him then. Now, it’s just me, three kids, and a wife. So it’s not that difficult. I am giving them the best that I can afford. They are being raised better than how I was raised.

What part of your parenting experience will you describe as most challenging?

I don’t think there’s anything I find most challenging in being a parent. Being a parent is fun. It’s a blessing as long as you are financially and mentally ready before you start bearing children.

How did you mentally prepare for fatherhood?

No one prepares for fatherhood. You just have to be mentally ready. There’s a difference between being mentally ready and being mentally prepared. You can’t know how to feel until you become a father. There’s no mental preparedness in it.

How did you determine it was the right time to start a family when you did?

I think I determined it was time to start a family when P-Square, my kid brothers, both got married. I was so involved in the P-Square brand that I was working so hard to get it standing that I forgot about myself. I forgot that I had a life to live. When they started getting married, I looked back and was like, ‘Wow, I’m almost 40 and yet to get married. I’m already financially stable and mentally okay’. So I thought it was time to finally settle down and make a family. That was when I did.

Can you share the love story that culminated in the marriage with your wife?

I met my wife and got engaged to her six months after we started dating. I just knew that she was the one. There’s this feeling you get when you see ‘the one’. You can date someone for as many years as you like but at the end of the day, you’ll just know that the person is not the one for you. But if you meet the right person, it’ll just take you a few seconds to know that this is the person. I made up my mind to get married to my wife immediately after I met her because I just had that gut instinct that she was the one.

Did you wish you got married earlier?

Yes, I think I did. I do wish sometimes that I got married earlier. I got married at 40. If I had got married in my mid-30s, it would have been preferable. But it was worth the wait. It’s always better to take your time and get married to the right person rather than hurrying and meeting the wrong person.

Did you experience family and societal pressures to get married and have children?

No, I never did. That’s why I mentioned that I got married late. It’s normal for society to pressure you to get married and have children, but you have to be the one to make that decision by yourself. If you are not mentally, financially, and psychologically ready, don’t get married and have children. The worst thing that can happen to a man is having children that he is not able to take care of or getting married to the wrong person. All those societal pressures are supposed to be controlled by the man. At the end of the day, it has to be about the man.

How did you feel when your wife told you that she was pregnant with your first child?

I was elated when she told me that she was pregnant. We were not married or engaged yet. She knew how serious I was with her. When she told me that she was pregnant for me, I was so happy about it because we knew where our plans were headed.

Can you remember how exactly you felt holding your first child in your hands?

The first time I held my child was in America. Fatherhood is an experience that one can’t exactly explain. It has to be experienced to be felt. Your priority changes at that moment. Your life is put on hold and everything lies upon that child. I just look at that child and know that my waking up, breathing, hustling, and everything I do is about the child. It was a good feeling.

Some people are particular about the gender of their first child. What was the situation for you?

I’m not too particular about gender because my first child is a girl, and my second child is also a girl. I was ready to leave it at that but my wife accidentally got pregnant during the COVID-19 period, and we were blessed with a boy. The former President of the United States of America, George Bush, had only daughters; the same as ex-President Barack Obama. If they’re that rich and prominent and aren’t keen about gender, why should I be?

Has becoming a father changed anything about you?

I’m still myself. I’ve always been myself. The only thing that changed about me was that it gave me more priorities. I don’t go out much like that again. I am more responsible now than I was before. I work harder than I used to. I make time out for my children. Those are the changes I have made since I got married.

What impact has fatherhood had on your career as a music executive?

I don’t think it has any direct impact on my career as a music executive, apart from my approach to things. It made me more responsible. It made me more mature. I had my priorities right.

Were there any habits you had to drop after having kids?

The only habit I’ve had to change is the habit of going out often.

How do you handle conflict among children so it doesn’t seem like you have a favourite among them?

I treat them equally. I always stand on the right side. I don’t please one person against the other. I always make sure that I teach them the value of truth, equality, and love for each other.

Is it healthy for parents to have favourite among children?

It’s not healthy at all. You cannot pick a child to look better or favoured than the other person. If you do so, you will create a very bad precedent when they grow up. You have to love them equally. Even if you have a favourite one, you don’t show it. You just have to make them believe that you love them equally.

How do you create time for your kids to bond with them?

I always make time to bond with my kids because it’s very important. The most important thing is making time and making memories with them. No matter how your time works, you should come back home to your kids. When they wake up, you should be the first person they see. When they go to school, you go to work or whatever you do for a living, and when you all come back before going to bed, you have to have enough time with them. You must give them your time, no matter how tight your schedule may be.

Would you love your children to follow in your career footsteps?

I don’t have a problem with them following my career footsteps. I don’t think I will tell my children what I want them to be; they have to choose for themselves. Whatever they decide to do with themselves in their lives or as a career should be up to them. All I need to do is to encourage them and motivate them towards that. Most importantly, I don’t think I’ll teach my children how to get rich. I’ll teach them how to be happy and content. That’s what life is all about. Life is not about wanting your child to be a doctor or making it in life. Making it in life is about being happy with what you’re doing. That is what I will instil in my children.

What method of discipline have you adopted in correcting your children when they err?

The three-year-old faces the wall. He doesn’t like that much. The older ones get grounded. Their laptops and iPads are seized, they don’t see their friends, or we don’t take them out. We don’t use the cane. During our own time, our parents used canes on us; they had to whip us but I don’t want to use that method on my children.

In this modern day, some parents still prefer using the cane on their children. What are your thoughts on that?

I think it’s not practicable. Our parents used that method but I’m not going to use it on my children unless it is extremely necessary. As they say, you beat them with one hand and bring them back with the other.

When you’re away from your kids, what means do you devise to stay connected with them?

We are now in the digital world so I use Facetime. My kids have their iPads and laptops. There’s always a means of communication; video communication mostly. It’s very important. Our parents didn’t have that luxury but in today’s world, we do.

Was there any moment when you felt like you weren’t doing enough as a father?

I don’t think there was ever a moment I felt like that because I was mentally ready to be a father. I was financially stable and I was ready to be a father, so there was never a time that I felt I wasn’t doing enough.

Are there challenges that fatherhood has thrown at you?

There are no challenges that I know of now. I don’t think I have any challenges that fatherhood has thrown at me.

Can you share a memorable fatherhood moment that has had a lasting impact on you?

The memorable fatherhood moment that has had a lasting impact on me was the first time I carried my child. I’ll never forget it.

What kind of legacy would you like to leave behind for your children?

The legacy I’d like to leave for my children is that whatever it takes for them to be happy, they should just be happy. Life is all about living it and living it happily. I’m not going to teach them how to get rich or how to depend on material things to be happy. Wherever you find happiness, live it. That is the legacy I’m going to leave for them.

What advice would you give to aspiring fathers who are also pursuing careers?

I’d advise aspiring fathers who are also pursuing careers, no matter how tedious their career timing or schedule is going, they should always make time for their children. That’s the most important thing. Yes, you’re out there trying to make a living and provide for them and miss out on the good times. The good times are all about the memories shared while growing up. They have to make time to always share memories with them as they grow up because those are the times that you can never get back.

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