How to use Apple Pay on your Apple Watch

Get Apple Pay on your Apple Watch using this handy (or should it be wristy?) guide. Either way, tap to pay is about to become easier than ever if you own one of the best Apple Watches. It’s worth noting that Apple Pay works on the Apple Watch, or an iPhone using NFC, which is … Read more

How to stream video to your TV using a VPN

Thanks to the convoluted nature of geography-based licensing among the major studios, streaming services with international reach can have much more comprehensive selections of TV shows and movies in a different country. That’s why savvy viewers have long used VPNs – virtual private networks – to expand their options. Change your location from the US … Read more

How to schedule a Broadcast in advance

Send Broadcasts automatically on a date and time of your choosing. Whether you like to bulk-schedule emails in advance or simply don’t want to let yourself forget to send an important message, this feature allows you to set it and forget it! Scheduling takes place on the last page of the Broadcast creation process—the Publish … Read more

How to offer emotional support to someone struggling with mental health issues; expert shares insights | Health

In our society, everyone faces their own challenges, and providing emotional support to someone dealing with mental health issues is crucial to their recovery journey. Witnessing a loved one struggle with symptoms of mental illness can be challenging, and knowing how best to assist and support them can be equally difficult. Each person’s situation is … Read more

How To Prevent Swamp Crotch This Summer

Summer isn’t all sunshine and rainbows: It also comes with an increase in unpleasant body odor and sweat. While underarm sweat can be embarrassing enough when in overdrive during the summer, even worse is the dreaded crotch sweat, aka swamp crotch. You thought pit stains were bad, but have you ever stood up and left … Read more

How to make summer pudding, a classic British dessert

This article was produced by National Geographic Traveller (UK). This dessert was all the rage in English health spas during the 19th century, when it was known as ‘hydropathic pudding’. Its light casing of white bread meant it was considered a ‘healthy’ treat by the Victorians. PreparationTo help with de-moulding, line your basin with cling … Read more