How to filter other dimensions in a star model (in…

Hi all,   In Power BI Desktop I’m striving to create a proper star model. Where a FACTS table is used for the salesnumbers, and the Dimensions are used for additional info and filtering.The issue I’m running into with a star model is that the unidirectional filtering makes slicers become unlogical to most end-users.    … Read more

How to Deal With Holiday Family Drama

My husband and I have both lost our parents, who were the glue that held each of our families together. Since their deaths, our siblings and in-laws don’t feel close enough to have holiday get-togethers in each others’ homes. Old resentments surface, and it’s just uncomfortable. Our extended family now meets in a crowded public … Read more

How to watch Brazil v Argentina live

Two huge footballing nations come head to head this week in the FIFA World Cup 2026 qualifiers. Five-time World Cup winners Brazil will host the reigning World Champions, Argentina, at the Maracana Stadium in Rio de Janeiro on Tuesday 21st November at a local time of 21:30. The fixture will kick-off in the early hours … Read more

How to Prepare for the Deluge of Year-End Requests

The end of the year can be stressful enough without the extra pressure of last-minute requests due before New Year’s Eve. The author offers five strategies to help you mitigate the crunch: 1) Anticipate and ask if you suspect a recurrent request is heading your way; 2) Commit to your PTO; 3) Clarify what you’re … Read more

‘Don’t get into the it’s-not-fair game!’ How to survive the hell of sibling rivalry – as a child and a parent | Siblings

The other day I was casually denigrating an only child in front of a friend who I didn’t realise was also an only child. I probably said something like, “I love her, but she’s a bit of an only child,” meaning, well, whatever nonsense I meant. I’ve got a whole bunch of siblings and step-siblings, … Read more

Male infertility: What causes low sperm count and how to improve sperm health? | Health

Male infertility is becoming more common and accounts for around 30% of cases and for the uninitiated, a low sperm count occurs when there are fewer sperm than usual in the semen (ejaculating fluid). This medical condition is known as oligospermia, whereas a total lack of sperm is referred to as azoospermia. Male infertility: What … Read more