Solutons Lounge

arc – How to draw three tikz circles that align to the west – TeX

I tried to draw three circles aligned together.

\usetikzlibrary{positioning, decorations.text}


\node[circle, minimum size=8cm, draw, fill=pink,anchor=west] (a) {ppou};
\node[circle, minimum size=6cm, draw, fill=green,  anchor=west] (b) {oooo};
\node[circle, minimum size=3.6cm, draw, fill=orange, anchor=west] (c) {Inner Market};

\draw [decorate, decoration={text along path, } ] (0:7) arc (30:-70:5.5cm); 
\draw [decorate, decoration={text along path, text = Private Market } ] (0:4.5) arc (-0:-60:4.6cm);

\draw [decorate, decoration={text along path, text = Total Market}] (0:6.7) arc (0:-90:6cm); 


How could I better align the text in the outer and middle circle to make it looks better?

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