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How to have multiple chioce from data inside dropdwon – Need help

Hi, good for everyone…

I need a suggestion to use two variables from custom state in a dropdown section. If I insert them one after the other it gives me a single string (like append function)… thanks

Could you give an example of what you are trying to achieve?

thanks, I saved two values in custom state, two names coming from the usual table in the db (same row)

I would like to use these two values as the choice for dropdown or dynamic choice

Are you referencing your custom state in Choice source? It seems you are doing a DB search instead.

Maybe that’s where I’m going wrong

I have two values, two custom state variables called “G1” and “G2”
I need to be able to fit them into dropdown or dynamic choice

how can I do?

In Choice source you need to construct an expression A's B where:
A = the element you’ve created your custom state within
B = your custom states name

For example, if you’ve created custom state “Users” at index page level: index's Users

ok but I have to enter two choices in the dropdown menu
or in the dynamic choice

be able to choose one of the two variables G1 or G2

G1:converted to list:plus item G2

If you mean selecting multiple options in the dropdown – that’s not possible, you need to install multidropdown element.

also in this way it fits the values into a single choice

This should be the option source (if you want the drop-down to have two options – G1 and G2)

Source link

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