How to teach a model to match multiple lists – Prompting

I’ve got a task to make sure the model can tell whether one can send or receive payments in a certain currency to a specific country. There’s a list of supported countries and a list of supported currencies. I’ve tried a few approaches:

  1. The simplest one. In the prompt, I wrote “Supported countries for sending payments”, “Supported countries for receiving payments” and listed the countries below. Similarly for currencies.
  2. I described each country in detail like “You can make payments to Honduras, but you can’t receive payments from Honduras”. The same goes for currencies.
  3. For each country, I explicitly stated whether you can receive or send payments, and in which currencies.

For queries like “Can I receive a payment from Honduras in Yuan?”, the third prompt option works more or less, but not in 100% of cases. With the other approaches, the answer seems to be random.
Is there another way to teach the model to match two lists?

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Are you using ChatGPT or the API?

This sounds like something you would make a vector database for, or an organized key:value pair list in a document you feed it.

Personally though, if it were up to me, I would not use an LLM for this task. This sounds like it would be better suited as a data structure, and then GPT would simply handle turning the values of that data into natural language.

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