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How to exclude past dates with MIN formula? — Smartsheet Community

I am not good with formulas and haven’t been able to figure this one out with usual troubleshooting… I am using the following formula to return the next upcoming Review Date (screenshots of use below).

=MIN([Next Review Date]27:[Next Review Date]30)

But I want to make it so that it doesn’t include dates that are in the past — or exclude them if the checkbox is checked — either way is fine; I have no preference. I just want to be able to see when the next review date is at a glance if my rows are collapsed.

I asked ChatGPT for assistance and those formulas didn’t work either, but here is what I tried for reference:

This one returned #UNPARSEABLE:

=INDEX(SORT(FILTER([Next Review Date]27:[Next Review Date]30, [Next Review Date]27:[Next Review Date]30 >= TODAY())), 1)


=MIN(IF([Next Review Date]27:[Next Review Date]30 >= TODAY(), [Next Review Date]27:[Next Review Date]30, ""))

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