apple silicon – How to install Intel Java 8 on M2 Macbook?

Because of a “gluegen” problem like this, it seems I need to run the Intel versions of Java on my M2 Macbook using Rosetta.

I tried looking up how to do this, and after trying SDKMAN, and just running the Intel installer from Oracle, nothing seems to work.

Details of what I tried with SDKMAN:

  1. Making a new terminal app that runs with Rosetta using these instructions.

This works as expected:

 ~  arch                                                                                                                 

 ~  uname -m                                                                                                             
  1. Edit .sdkman/etc/config to add sdkman_rosetta2_compatible=false
    (unsure if I should do this)

  2. sdk install java 11.0.20-ms
    (unsure if Microsoft is the provider I should be using)

  3. cat `which java` | file -

But this always shows an arm64 version.

How do I install an intel version of Java?

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