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web scraping – How to solve python requests library returning different html content every time I call it?

I am using python requests to scrape a sports betting website to make an API to retrieve sports betting odds. The requests library is returning different html content from the same url sometimes. I detected the issue because I run the script in my terminal over and over again, and about 4/5 times it works, then the 5th time I will get an error because an html element I try to find using BeautifulSoup is no longer there.

I know the html content is different because in my script I added a few lines to simply write to a txt file the entire document that the request returns. After running this once successfully, I changed the file name slightly to write a new file. I ran this over and over again until the web scraping failed due to the error previously mentioned. At that point I used filecmp library to compare the two txt files and they were not identical.

I suppose this could be a JavaScript related issue? The error is occurring because I am using BeautifulSoup to search for an html element with a specific class name that is obviously there sometimes and not there other times, thus resulting in an attribute error when I try doing something with the html element that BeautifulSoup finds that the terminal tells me is type None.

Has anyone else encountered this before? Any ideas on how to fix?

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