How To Leverage Your Transferable Skills When Changing Careers

Are you thinking of changing careers? One way to ease the transition is to lean into your transferable skills. Transferable skills, sometimes called portable skills, are the competencies you can take with you from job to job regardless of industry or role. They can refer to hard skills like computer programming and accounting or soft skills like flexibility and empathy. Highlighting transferable skills is especially important when changing careers because they allow you to make an immediate impact in almost any field. Also, skills-based hiring is becoming increasingly popular as companies struggle to fill roles. Consequently, transferable skills are more highly valued and sought after by employers.

One way to identify your transferable skills is to research your target role thoroughly. Take the time to read through job descriptions, paying close attention to the skills and experience required. Also, speak to people in that field to understand the talents they use daily. Then, take a deep look at your own capabilities to determine the most relevant ones. For example, if you’re a marketing professional aiming to transition to career counseling, interpersonal skills like empathy and active listening will be invaluable. Or, if you’re an accountant planning to start a consulting business, motivation and problem-solving are essential.

A career shift doesn’t necessarily mean you have to start from scratch. These transferable skills will help you hit the ground running when changing careers in an ever-evolving job market.


Leadership involves more than just being able to supervise a team. Leadership skills include project management, delegation and team building. These capabilities are transferable to many fields and industries because employers value people who can motivate others and think on their feet.


When you are a problem solver, you can find solutions to complex situations. Organizations rely on people who can break down complicated issues into their fundamental parts. So, whether you plan on changing careers or starting a business, the ability to solve work challenges is essential.

Resilience and flexibility

Today’s professional environment is uncertain and ambiguous. With inflation, layoffs and recession fears, job security is on everyone’s minds. As such, workers need to be able to bounce back from challenging circumstances. That makes resilience and flexibility fundamental to career success.

Motivation and self-awareness

The benefits of employee motivation are increased innovation, productivity and retention. When you have drive, commitment and energy, it’s easier to accomplish your work goals. Motivation is also critical if you are thinking of being your own boss because you are bound to encounter stumbling blocks along the way. By leveraging your drive, you’ll successfully weather the inevitable ups and downs of owning a business.

Curiosity and lifelong learning

With non-linear career paths becoming the new normal, lifelong learning is a key skill. For one thing, people are working longer. According to the World Health Organization, by 2030, 1 in 6 people will be 60 or older. By 2050, that number is expected to double. In addition, the workplace will change dramatically over the next decade, with organizations looking for skills that don’t even exist today. As a result, workers who embrace curiosity and continuous education will be in demand.

Digital literacy

Whether you plan on finding employment, building a business, or even just socializing, digital literacy has become indispensable for every individual. Without it, employees may struggle to perform functions that are crucial to their role. Digital literacy is also imperative given the increase of remote work post-pandemic. In fact, technology literacy is the third-fastest growing core skill, according to the World Economic Forum’s 2023 Future of Jobs Report.

Empathy and active listening

After years of unrelenting economic, political and societal change, employees are stressed to the point of burnout. Another reason burnout is more prevalent than in past years is toxic work environments. Last year, the Surgeon General announced that toxic workplaces are a top five health crisis, with 87% of employees saying they’re suffocating in unhealthy work cultures. That’s one reason empathy in the workplace is more important than ever. Active listening is a powerful tool for spotting and mitigating employee burnout. Empathy also helps build strong relationships, contributing to a thriving workplace.

If you plan on changing careers, don’t underestimate the value of transferable skills. They can increase your value in the job market and offer an opportunity to stand out from the crowd. As time goes on, transferable skills will become even more in-demand. By developing and capitalizing on them, you’ll be better positioned to future-proof your career.

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