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How to Choose Colors for Your Apartment Walls? Explore Various Brazilian Examples

How to Choose Colors for Your Apartment Walls? Explore Various Brazilian Examples

Choosing how to paint your apartment can significantly impact its atmosphere and visual appeal. While it may be tempting to stick with the comfort of white walls, considering different colors can enhance your everyday life and make your home more vibrant. To help you navigate the many possibilities, we’ve gathered some tips for creating a more colorful and personalized living space.

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Choosing the right color to paint a wall can be a challenging task. An enormous palette of colors offers countless combinations beyond the shades of white. While key tips include analyzing lighting, conducting color tests on the actual wall, considering combinations of tones and textures, and understanding your style, it is important to note that not everything must adhere to strict rules. There are numerous creative ways to introduce different shades to your home. Explore some examples from Brazilian apartments below:

Whole Walls

Painting an entire wall can draw more attention to it. However, when opting for this approach, it’s also possible to enhance the continuity of the space by considering how this wall can serve as a surface connecting multiple environments. Another option is to extend the chosen color to the ceiling or floor, creating a geometric interplay in the space based on the selected tones.

Fit Apartment / CoDA Arquitetura. Image: © Julia Tótoli
Apartamento 107N / Orla Arquitetura. Image: © Joana França


Instead of a single and flat color on a wall, you can think of it as a blank canvas and add art. Whether painted in just one color or several, creating a mural can bring a lot of personality to the space.

Apartamento Capela / Julliana Camargo Arquitetos. Image: © Maira Acayaba
Apartamento Maresia / Talita Nogueria Arquitetura. Image: © Eduardo Macarios

Other Materials

Color can be highlighted using materials beyond paint. For instance, you can choose ceramic coatings to introduce different tones compared to the walls.

Apartamento Sodré 272-401 / Oficina Conceito Arquitetura. Image: © Marcelo Donadussi
Apartamento Arruda / COTA760. Image: © Cris Farhat


Carpentry, commonly found in cabinets, storage spaces, or shelves, often plays a prominent role in a project. When infused with colors, it can become even more significant, offering a unique and distinct tone that contributes to shaping the atmosphere of the space.

PNR Apartment / Metamoorfose Studio. Image: © Maíra Acayaba
Apartamento Itapicuru / Coletivo de Arquitetos + Entre Arquitetos. Image: © Guile Amadeu


When seeking additional elements to add color to the space, consider painting the doors as a compelling solution. Doors can contribute to creating a playful environment as they contrast with the other chosen tones.

Apartamento JP / Trema Arquitetura + Daniel Zahoul. Image: © Renata Zambello
Apartamento Platô II / Sala2 Arquitetura. Image: © Evelyn Muller

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