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The robots are coming! Generative AI is infiltrating the workplace at warp speed, and it’s enough to give even the savviest and most confident professionals a serious case of FOBO.
FOBO, the Fear of Becoming Obsolete, is surging. Twenty-two percent of U.S. workers now worry that new technology will render their roles obsolete. That’s a seven-point spike since 2021, according to a Gallup study.
The anxiety is understandable. Groundbreaking generative AI, such as ChatGPT and Claude, can mimic human capabilities with lightning speed. Historically, when technology was introduced to the workplace, it was more likely to replace people who worked on assembly lines. But artificial intelligence is much more likely to impact people who work in cubicles or from their home offices. “Workers with a bachelor’s degree or higher are more than twice as likely as those with only a high school diploma to see the most impact,” according to Pew Research. And Elon Musk recently said, “AI will eventually create a situation where no job is needed.”
That’s unlikely to happen soon. AI is moving into the workplace with little resistance from upper management, but those on the frontlines don’t have to succumb to FOBO. With the right mindset and skillset, you can build your personal brand as an AI trailblazer instead of a reluctant relic clinging to the past.
Here’s how to conquer FOBO and lead the AI revolution at your organization:
Double Down On Professional Development
Go full steam ahead on AI fluency. Immerse yourself in courses on AI fundamentals and applications. Learning platforms like Coursera, Udemy, LinkedIn Learning, and edX offer crash courses on everything from AI basics to advanced integration.
Arm yourself with the skills to not only understand generative AI but also become an evangelist for its limitless potential. The world of AI moves fast, so subscribe to relevant newsletters, journals, and YouTube channels to stay on the cutting edge.
Walk The Talk
Identify five ways artificial intelligence could enhance your work right now. Inventory your responsibilities, then strategize where generative AI could boost efficiency or produce more impactful results. Infusing parts of your workflow with tools like ChatGPT will build first-hand experience with AI integration.
Make Tech Fluency Your Brand
Instead of resisting progress, reinvent yourself as an AI insider. Shift your mindset from “AI is a threat” to “AI is my secret weapon.” Become known as the person eagerly exploring how AI can level up business. Your courage will inspire others mired in FOBO, and your boss will take note—and rely on you as her go-to expert for all things AI.
Help Others Crush FOBO
Once you’ve conquered your own AI anxiety, pay it forward. Teach colleagues what you’ve learned through AI trainings. Seeing your enthusiasm will motivate them to expand their skillsets. Consider even developing a course on AI applications to uplift your whole team. Matt Strain, the AI Whisperer, and CEO of The-Prompt.AI exclaims, “Right now, we have a once-in-a-decade opportunity for any employee to step forward and lead the way. Based on my experience with similar transitions, the one thing I suggest for the aspiring leader is simple — convene a Friday brown-bag (or lunch-and-learn) session and lead a discussion about what’s happening with AI. You book the meeting, set the agenda, facilitate the discussion, and send a follow-up. For extra credit, you track and document the use cases raised in the meeting (using an AI note taker like Fathom or Fireflies to automate it.).”
Use AI To Grow Thought Leadership
Good news: Developing content doesn’t have to be stressful anymore. Leverage the power of generative writing assistants like Claude, ChatGPT and other AI tools to make building and sharing though-leadership simpler and more productive. AI can help you come up with endless ideas for content, and it can help you polish your work.
The writing’s on the wall. AI is here to stay and will only grow more prominent and advanced. You can either double down on the outdated systems and processes you’ve been using or boldly lead the charge into the future. Strain added, “In the AI revolution, it’s not the C-suite but the curious and the daring who lean in and lead. Seize the moment and be the one your CEO turns to for insights on AI’s real-world impact.”
It’s time to slay your FOBO, build your AI expertise and prepare to embrace the robots heading your way. The workplace revolution is gaining momentum. Get ready to lead it.
William Arruda is a keynote speaker, co-founder of CareerBlast.TV and creator of the 360Reach Personal Brand Survey that helps you get candid, meaningful feedback from people who know you.