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How to build a bot, to assist in writing a book? – Community

I may be in the wrong area to ask this question, so i apologize in advance. But i would like to build an assistant to help me in writing a book. I have zero programing knowledge. Additionally i have a large volume on research papers I would like to incorporate. These would be files in PDF, PPTx, and audio/video data of me presenting and talking to the topic for the book.

Can anyone assist me with lamens guidance on how to build this assistant using OpenAI?

I don’t know for sure, but it sounds like what you want to do is exactly what custom GPTs were created to do.

Just click the + sign indicating you want to create a new GPT. You will be guided through the process. You describe what you want the assistant to do, and you will be able to upload the files you need.

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Hi and welcome to the community!
The advice to start with building a custom GPT is solid in it’s own right, especially if you have no coding experience.
But I think we should also moderate expectations a little bit. Especially when you mention that lots of research papers will be involved in writing your book. This tells me that your expectations regarding the final product are considerably high.
Custom GPTs are very young, standardized tools and it’s really likely that standard results may not fit your individual use case. Ultimately you will end up building and developing features that expand on the standard functionality.
I suggest you start small with distinct work packages and implement those partially to learn about the results and compare those to what you will need later at full scale. And you set aside some time to deepen your understanding and learn about these tools.
You are in a trade-off situation where AI will help you convert and retrieve knowledge and also support you with writing but it’s the development know-how that will actually leverage these new tools to get the results you are looking for.
I hope this helps in assessing the current situation.

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