list manipulation – How to find the nearest element that is bigger than x?

For the present problem, a compiled version of a binary search should work well. At least it would free you from post processing the output of Nearest, which might be tedious.

cBinarySearchAfter = Compile[{{sortedlist, _Real, 1}, {y, _Real}},
  Block[{a, fa, b, fb, c, fc},
   a = 1;
   b = Length[sortedlist];
   fa = Compile`GetElement[sortedlist, a];
   fb = Compile`GetElement[sortedlist, b];
   If[y < fa, Return[1];];
   If[y >= fb, Return[b + 1];];
   (*Always fa<=y<fb;*)
   While[b > a + 1,
    c = a + Quotient[b - a, 2];
    fc = Compile`GetElement[sortedlist, c];
    If[fc <= y,
     a = c; fa = fc;
     b = c; fb = fc;
  CompilationTarget -> "C",
  RuntimeAttributes -> {Listable},
  Parallelization -> True,
  RuntimeOptions -> "Speed"

Here a usage examle.

n = 1000000;
m = 1000000;
list = RandomReal[{0, 1}, n];
sortedlist = Join[{0.}, Sort[list], {1.}]; // AbsoluteTiming // First

xlist = RandomReal[{0, 1}, m];

pos = cBinarySearchAfter[sortedlist, xlist]; // AbsoluteTiming // First

And @@ (Thread[sortedlist[[pos - 1]] <= xlist])
And @@ (Thread[xlist < sortedlist[[pos]]])





It is only half as fast as the Nearest approach without postprocessing:

nf = Nearest[Sort[list] -> "Index"]; // AbsoluteTiming // First
Flatten[nf[xlist]] + 1; // AbsoluteTiming // First



I think once written in C/C++ and properly parallelized, it would be on par with Nearest or sightly faster.

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