How to pass data from main page, to a reusable element that sits inside of a repeating group? – Need help

Merry Christmas Eve,

You guys know me. Social Media App guy.

The home page filled with “posts” on my app is simply a repeating group that has a reusable element that displays the actual post and accompanying comment section.

My question to you, is, when users leave a comment, I use URL parameters to give the users a floating comment box. This floating group is on the main page.

When users submit their comments, how do I alert the post that sits inside of the reusable element that sits inside of the repeating group?

Is that even possible? Rn I’m using a mixture of the satellite element along with a “generate_random_number” plug-in that essentially gives a unique Element ID to each reusable within the repeating group.

The satellite plug-in pretty much sends out a mass call to action that triggers any antenna within the reusable within the rg, only as long as that antenna has the same Element ID as the ID in my URL.

(The ID in the URL is a combination of that random number plug-in and it’s effectively generated whether a user clicks on a comment icon. The comment icon is inside of the reusable that is inside of the rg, so this comment icon knows what the random number is already.)

You see? The system I have is too convoluted!

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