How to eat to beat heartburn

Don’t let discomfort spoil ‘the most wonderful time of the year’ — dietitian Orla Walsh reveals how to reduce the reflux while not missing out on festivities

Avoid overly fatty or rich foods this Christmas to minimise the risk of indigestion and heartburn. Picture: Getty

As Christmas continues, festive foods for some, can herald the unwelcome guest of heartburn. Heartburn, a common digestive discomfort that often surfaces during the Christmas month. is characterised by a burning sensation in the chest, occurring when stomach acid flows back towards the mouth. You may experience a sour taste, hiccups, a hoarse voice, bad breath, bloating and feeling sick. Symptoms often get worse when lying down, bending over or after meals.

Christmas, with its abundance of rich foods and alcohol, creates the perfect storm for triggering acid reflux.

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