How to Connect the Two

Exponential IMPACT exists when a Vision others want to follow is created and communicated. Goals people understand and can execute align with that vision are established. Meanwhile, simple systems for maximum productivity are being developed. This powerful formula is essential to every fearless leader’s playbook.

In my three-part series Be Impactful, I will share how you can engage all three components to create your own exponential impact. In Part I, we dug into how to create your vision. Today, let’s discuss how to create goals supporting that vision and connect the two.

Goals Lead the Way to Accomplishing Vision

Whether your vision is personal, like wanting to run a marathon, or professional, like starting your own business, you will need to set clearly defined goals to achieve that vision.

Goals provide us with a roadmap to achieve our vision. In telling us how to get there, they also hold us accountable, and with every win, they provide us with motivation and inspiration to keep going.

Here are nine tips to elevate your goals to the level of exponential impact:

1. Align With the Vision

Your goals must be aligned with your values and vision with the sole purpose of moving your vision forward.

2. Prioritize

Not all goals are of equal importance. Prioritize them based on their significance in contributing to the overall vision. Focus on high-impact goals first to jumpstart your motivation.

3. Involve Those Included in Your Vision

Whether your vision is a personal or professional one, it will involve others along your journey. Be sure to clearly communicate your vision and develop goals with those individuals, ask for their input, and provide the resources and support they need to achieve the goals required of them.

4. Apply SMART Criteria

Apply the SMART criteria (Specific, Measurable, Achievable, Relevant, Time-bound) to ensure your goals are well-defined, actionable, and attainable.

5. Ensure Adaptability

Our personal and business lives are always evolving—sometimes in ways we least expect. Ensure your goals can adapt to changing circumstances. Once your goals are established, it’s time to connect them with your vision.

6. Cascade the Vision

Break down the vision into smaller components directly linked to individual or team goals. This creates a seamless flow from the overarching vision to daily activities.

7. Assess Alignment and Relevance

Schedule regular check-ins with all involved to evaluate progress. Encourage open communication about challenges and successes, foster engagement and motivation of all contributors, and empower the team to make informed decisions related to each goal’s relevance and alignment with the vision.

8. Celebrate Milestones

Recognize and celebrate individual and group achievements (both big and small) along the way. Taking time to celebrate achievements reinforces the connection between everyone’s contributions and the vision.

9. Provide Resources

Ensure that the necessary resources are available for goal attainment. A lack of resources can hinder progress, demotivate contributors, and disconnect goals from the broader vision.

Remember, the key is a seamless integration between vision and goals, creating a roadmap for your team to achieve that exponential impact you aspire to create. Stay tuned for the final part of the series, where we’ll explore building simple systems for maximum productivity.

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