cpu – How to get logs/evidence of illegal hardware changes during laptop repairs

I’m on Ubuntu 20.04. I sent my laptop for repair and I find out that the CPU has been changed to a cheaper version without my consent (and I was not requesting to fix the cpu at all!), basically from i7 to AMD Ryzen 5 Pro 2500 U

I’ve read from online that there are logs for hardware changes in Ubuntu. Where is the commands in terminal? I see people listing a list of log but I’m not sure which one indicates such change.

Alternatively, I’m thinking about checking the drivers or firmware, but now sure where to begin and how exactly.

I beg for all the possible ways as I will forward the evidence to the police. Thank you everyone!

p.s. my account is password protected. They should be unable to change the firmware within I suppose? Please correct me if I’m wrong.

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