How to set up ALL products to local pickup only, NO shipping

Hi, our store is new to shopify and I’m looking for help on how to make ALL our products local pickup only and not offer shipping on ANY products. We do not want customers to be charged for shipping if they forget to select Local Pickup and have to constantly refund this or have questions about shipping. We have many announcement bars that say we are curbside pickup only, alas customers are only human.

Being that there is a built in setting for pickups in Shopify I figured it would be very simple to set up…. wrong.

I’ve went in and created a shipping profile that has $0/no charge for rates, but as I understand I have to manually enter every product into this profile which will not work for us. We add about 100 products daily and I cannot go  and manually add each product when multiple products are being added through the day. I don’t see a way to make this automatic.

Also, if I do not have a shipping profile set up and have my products deselected as “this is a shippable product” customers still receive “shipping notifications”. I then had to go into customer notification settings and change the email template to say their order was ready for pickup rather than saying it was shipped. This also creates issues in not being able to track when an order is Ready for Pickup and has been Picked up.

As I see it, I can only have these Ready to Pick Up options with the manually adding of items into the shipping profile, which again, does not work for our business.

If I am missing something that’s integrated already into Shopify I’m desperately needing help to find it, and if I need an outside app I would like to know ASAP.

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