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How to report an incorrect or fraudulent listing on Google Maps

Google Maps strives to provide accurate and reliable information, but sometimes incorrect or fraudulent listings may slip through the cracks. If you come across a business or place with offensive, fake, spam, or inappropriate content, Google Maps allows you to report it for review. Here’s a step-by-step guide on how to report and remove such listings.
Open Google Maps:
Launch the Google Maps application on your device or visit the Google Maps website.
Find the place to report:
Locate the specific place on the map that you want to report for review.
Suggest an edit and close or remove:
Click on the place, then select “Suggest an edit” and choose “Close or remove.”
Choose the removal reason:
Indicate the reason why the place should be removed. Options may include offensive content, fake listing, spam, or inappropriate information.
Click submit:
After providing the reason, click the “Submit” button to send your report for review.
For legal issues such as copyright or trademark disputes, it’s advisable to submit a detailed report explaining the legal concern.
Ensure that your report is accurate and relevant to the content violation you’ve identified.
Additional information:
By following these simple steps, you actively participate in maintaining the integrity of Google Maps, making it a safer and more trustworthy platform for users worldwide. Your reports contribute to a better and more reliable mapping experience for everyone.

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