How to align multiple parts to each other? – Live Components & Trimble Creator

Hey all, how would I align multiple parts to each other. For example, I have box 1 which I don’t want to move to be at position 0,0,0, I then want to make box 2 align to the side face of box 1, I want box 3 to align to the side face of box 2. The result is a line of boxes all glued to each other, if I move box 1, all other boxes will follow.

How would this be done? I know how to do this for 2 boxes, however I can’t figure out how to do this for 3…

Group the boxes or use grips.

Could you explain how this would be done? Don’t understand quite what you mean.

Btw also, there is no such thing as grips when I look for the “grips” node. Based on your answer, I’m guessing you’re referring to sketchup and how to group objects. I am referring to trimble creator, the forum this is posted in…

OK, sorry, missed the category

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