How to make your own projects?

Hi, I’m new here and have been working on the Web Development module (and some of the old JS one) for about a month now. I’m really sorry if this is a dumb question. I’ve read here that others have used the certificate projects as exercises and then worked on some concepts of their own. I’m an actor and a writer, so part of my motivation is to be able to make websites for my “products”.

What I really like doing the fCC projects is that I have the spaces to work on my HTML and CSS and that I can see the product while working. Is there some kind of program where I can make code from scratch (that isn’t part of the fCC projects) and be able to create and see my work on the screen together?

Hi there, welcome to the freeCodeCamp Forum. You can create and see work together on various platforms. These include: CodePen, CodeSandbox,, etc.

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