How to add a child row in a set of two consecutive…

Hello everyone!

Hope doing well. I got stuck in a problem that might be solvable. I’m creating a PDF file. Everything is simple. 

Screenshot (70).pngScreenshot (71).png

The two images will clearly depicts my problem. I want to add child row’s values in two consecutive rows of a table (picture 1). And, then again another row’s values in two consecutive rows.
(I’m doing this because all values cannot be added in a single row of a table, as these PDFs are to be printed on a paper, and small font size shall not be properly readable!)

However, I’m incurring an error (shown in picture 2). Is there any way to solve this problem?

Thanks in anticipation!
@Steve , @Suvrutt_Gurjar , @AleksiAlkio and others 🙂

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