digital signature – Suggestions or recommendations sought for how to implement a timesheet or register signing web application

I have a requirement for all the wife’s clients (students in this case) to sign an attendance register. That’s easy to implement with paper if the students are face to face with the teacher but quite a bit of hassle when the lessons take place over zoom – you can imagine all the scanning and signing sheets of paper and passing them to and fro…. etc. So she has asked could I knock up a web app to facilitate the register signing without the need for all the hassle mentioned above.

To be honest I’m not even sure what the terminology is to describe this: e-signature maybe?

I’ve used something similar with my insurance company that sends a sms text message with a code which I then type into their website as a substitute for an actual signature on the insurance contract.

I can’t use dropboxsign or similar because it’s too expensive for the low volumes involved.

I’m open to all suggestions, especially those that don’t involve fees – she doesn’t make much money teaching.

My thanks in advance for giving this some thought.

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