How to know if I am using Sketchup Pro or not? – SketchUp

How to know if I am using Sketchup Pro or not?

Did you download and install SketchUp pro?
Your forum profile says you are using SketchUp Free…

Yesterday I clicked on free trail for 7 days. It installed couple of things. But I am unsure if its free version or Pro version.
I want to use the layout option that comes with the Sketchup Pro. But I can’t find any button for that.

Show us a screenshot of what you are seeing with SketchUp open.

If you are using SketchUp Pro, fix your forum profile. The 7-day trial is not the “Free Plan” nor is it the “Free Version”.

That’s SketchUp Free, not a free trial of Pro. SketchUp Free is web based and does not include LayOut.

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