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Where and how to start UE? – Getting Started & Setup

Hello community. I have spent many hours looking at UE, prodding and clicking things, watching utube and generaly wandering around. I am completely new to UE but have done some work in DAZ Studio. Would someone be kind enough and patient enough to tell me where and how to start with UE. Maybe recommend a utube video perhaps. Thanks guys, have a nice day.

Not going to recommend YouTube at all. Its great for quick recipes or emergency plumbing (fixing the toilet ). But honestly, YT doesn’t empower you for game dev at all. Seriously… So many tutorials are filled with mistakes / bad habits/ out of date. YT creators are good at creating convincing presentations, but behind all that often lies a whole lot of dunning kruger.

Instead, why not be specific about what you want to achieve. Write it down and compare your progress at 6 months from now, and then again in a year or two, and just see how it goes.

Start by downloading free & paid templates that get close to what you want for starters. Take projects apart and learn from them over time, while adding your own cool features.

The trick with Unreal is figuring out what you don’t need to learn RIGHT NOW (as its HUGE).


Wow that was an amazing reply @game-maker … I’ve found myself drowning in the ocean of YT tutorials.

I’m glad you mentioned the bad habits part, hadn’t thought of that. Personally I just picked one or two good and in-depth intro tutorials that just show you how to use the engine and work it, otherwise there are endless videos LOL.

Are there any other resources you recommend for beginners?

And any other tips?

Any recommendations for a good source to get these paid templates from other than the UE marketplace?

Thanks for your help

Epic has a dedicated portal with tons of content:

Tutorials, learning paths, entire courses…

Not paid, plenty of examples:

Very hands on, take it all apart at your own pace, see what makes it, ehm, Tick.

This is great if you have previous non-UE experience or have a reasonable understanding of the engine and want to solidify it:

YT can be OK if you want an answer to that one thing, and you know the right keyword and can filter nonsense – but finding the right vid can be a hassle, indeed.

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