php – How to construct an UPDATE statement using two arrays

I have an array of column headers and an array of corresponding values at the same index
I need to update a row using both those arrays in SQL.

I know this might not be the neatest way of doing this. How I’ve got the values is I take the SQL database columns and use those to generate an HTML form which gives the values hence why both are in an array.

Using an INPUT my SQL looks like this and works how I want it to:

$strcol = implode(",", $fieldname);
$strdata = implode(",", $fielddata);
$placeholders = str_repeat(" ?, ", count($fielddata)-1) . "?";

$sql = "INSERT INTO morning (" . $strcol . ")
VALUES (". $placeholders . ")";
$result = $conn->execute_query($sql, $fielddata);

That gives a result something like:
enter image description here

BUT I can’t figure out how to do the same with an UPDATE, I might have missed a really obvious solution somewhere

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