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lubuntu – How to stop android studio from crashing the whole computer?

I installed android studio and it crashed several times. I installed an older version (Arctic fox) and it did the same. It never managed to install gradle. I installed gradle via the command line (using apt). Then android studio complained that the gradle libraries were newer. And crashed. I installed the latest version of android studio via the command line. It goes a bit further sometimes, I was able to create a new project and to give it a name. But I can’t do anything else.

Hardware acceleration is unavailable on my machine.

Each time, I have to hard reboot the computer.

It doesn’t always crash at the same stage. It starts doing something, for example indexing files, and then it crashes. Currently, it’s going to crash while building gradle. I test it by moving the mouse pointer. When the mouse pointer stops moving completely, I know nothing else is going to happen and I press the button.

There you go, while I’m typing this, it has crashed the other computer. Power off.

Is there a way to contain it, to slow it down, to stop it from using all the RAM? I wouldn’t mind giving it more time to finish whatever it thinks it’s got to do, even leaving it to run overnight, but I would like the rest of the computer to remain functional.

Is there any lighter alternative? Should I reinstall lubuntu and everything leaving out the android preview? (Anyway I can’t use it currently because I never found the “Split” button which google mentions in it’s android tutorial). I don’t really mind doing a new lubuntu install as this is a new machine. I have nothing personal on it except a nice desktop wallpaper.

All suggestions welcome.

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