How to select certain cards to come up first while doing new cards/day – Anki Desktop

Hi I’m a medical student preparing for my step 2 exam. I’ve been doing Amboss and preparing cards for my wrong Qs with screenshots in the missed questions section of the card and tagging under #missedQ. I have also been taking screenshots from Amboss and pasting them onto cards that have information tested on the Qbank even if I have got them right. I’m doing the whole step 2 deck along with these cards that I’ve made or pasted screenshots on.

How do I preferentially make these cards come up as new cards first and then the other random step 2 deck cards?

As in for example, if I have made 250 cards and I’m doing 100 cards a day. I want 2 days of my anki to be just those cards so that I finish that off first before moving to the random cards in the deck, the 3rd day can be 50 cards I made first and then 50 random unsupended cards from the deck. Basically what I want is even if I miss the random deck cards, I do not want to miss the cards that I’ve prepared since they’re high yielded and tailored for me.

Is it possible to give a tag a preference to be the most important part of new cards/day or even better such that any card which has any info on its Missed questions section to be given preference to be shown first while doing new cards/day. Please please help me out, it would be greatly appreciated.

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