How to talk with a real person in OpenAI Help Center – ChatGPT

I upgraded to Plus a few days ago.

It seems it results in errors so frequently, and sine I paid for it, it’s more annoying.

  1. Anyone experienced similar situation after upgrading to Plus?

  2. The errors(network errors, Regenerate button, and so on) seem to appear more when I ask GPT to draw a picture.
    Is it common to get more errors when asking for drawing than asking for text answer?
    Is it problem of GPT or DALLE?

  3. To solve the problem I went to OpenAI Help Center(
    But I could’t find menu I can write my own problem and get a direct answer from OpenAI employees.
    I looked through AI Bot, but unlike typical chatbots of many websites, I couldn’t find a button that I can click and type something.
    Anyone know how to ask for human help in OpenAI Help Center? Is it even possible?

I do not believe it is possible to speak to anyone regarding support.

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