How to check client’s complete history when r…

I’ve found many old post requesting the same and Upwork does nothing about it. 


When I receive a job offer directly from a client, I only see a summary of their history, which includes their rating but not their full history, such as previous job posts, freelancer feedback, and reviews. This lack of information makes it challenging to assess the client’s credibility and reputation.


I believe Upwork should allow freelancers to view a client’s full history, including their previous job posts and feedback, when we receive a direct offer. This transparency would help freelancers make more informed decisions about whether to accept an offer.


In 2024, it’s surprising that Upwork hasn’t addressed this issue, which leaves freelancers at a disadvantage. While it’s understandable that new clients may not have a history yet, established clients with years of experience and numerous contracts should be subject to the same transparency standards as freelancers.


Without access to a client’s full history and feedback, it’s risky for freelancers to accept offers blindly. Upwork should prioritize fixing this issue to ensure fair and transparent interactions between freelancers and clients, but as usual they never do.


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