How to access Dropbox Sign fully from Dropbox

I have a Dropbox Essentials account, which should give me access to unlimited signing in through Dropbox Sign.


I only use this on my desktop.


Last year when I was still on the Dropbox Plus plan with limited signing, I was having trouble setting up and managing the signatures and its settings. I was advised (in this community) to try logging in directly to the Hello Sign site (using my dropbox login). This worked – I could access the HelloSign/Dropbox Sign full app, which let me set it up properly and which was much easier and more comprehensive to use.


Now I am trying to get back into the full Dropbox Sign app, but cannot do so.

  • In Dropbox itself, I can click “signatures” on the left menu, but this gives me only a very abbreviated version of the functionality
  • If I go to Dropbox Sign (, which then takes me to and click “sign in with dropbox”, it takes me straight back to; same as in the previous point
  • If I go to Dropbox Sign (, which then takes me to and enter my email address, it tells me there is an existing Dropbox account associated with that email, then takes me straight back to; same as in the first point again

However I approach it I always end up in Dropbox with a dumbed down version of Sign.

In this simplified version for example I cannot:

  • Upload, view or manage default signatures
  • Upload more than one file for signing (no option to send, for example, 3 documents to be signed as part of the same signature request
  • See who has/has not viewed or signed a pending document – I am limited to the email notifications that come through
  • Put a title for the signature request; every request is named whatever the file is named. This means I need to rename files so they are distinguishable to me in the signed documents list, which clashes with my normal file naming system
  • Remember the size of a signature/initials box within a document (in HelloSign it remembered if a box was resized and all subsequent instances of that box would be the new size; with Dropbox on the signatures tab, I need to resize again every time.

What am I doing wrong? How do I access the full Dropbox Sign (Hello Sign) app?

I know I don’t get access to every feature within it with my plan, but I should still be able to access it for the basics shouldn’t I?

The simplified version in Dropbox itself is so awkward to use I might have to switch providers otherwise.


Any help appreciated!

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