I mean, I will implement the code, but I’m not sure how to create a problem using python to read the screen and for instance reproduce hundreds or thousands sounds at the same time or in secuence of less than 10 miliseconds.

The idea is to hear images, meaning if I were blind I can hear the screen images.
I thougth about to create mini-horns, meaning for each pixel creating one horn and create a unique frecuenci for the main colors, but yeah, I need nanotecnology to do that.

any one have heard about any program to translate images into sounds. or how to make blind people be able to use a computers but with sounds. I know the idea is weird or insane but yeah I started to program with this idea in mind. but not sure yet how to do this. any idea or critics are welcome.

I did code using python to assign 1 beep sound with a unique frecuency to all asscii, but after each beep there was a pause even if in the code this was not coded , there is a sound pause to change into another . but I left the idea cause I need to beable to reproduce at least like 10 different waves of sounds at the same time which are the pixels,

to resume, I need a program that if my resolution is 1000 x 500, the program can reproduce this 500000 differents waves in less than 1 second,. my idea looks imposible and insane but yeah, it’s the reason why I started to learn code, so I think it’s time to get help.

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