Solutons Lounge

How to deform ground mesh around impact point elastically – Asset Creation

Hey everyone,

I’m making a stylized action game in Unreal and I ideally want to have an effect where when an enemy gets slammed into the ground, the ground acts (unrealistically) almost like a rubber or fluid and deforms around them on impact at that specific location, then returning to its original state a second later.

Now usually I’d just spawn some particles and a crater model and call it a day but I was wondering if this was an effect anyone else had made before and if they had any insight into how or if it would be possible. It doesn’t need to have any actual collision detection associated with it with how it’d be utilized, so I’m leaning more towards a material WPO effect or something of that nature, but I’m not enough of a tech art wizard to know how to do it myself unfortunately.

If it’s not possible then the practical aforementioned solution works fine, but I’d be interested to see if anyone’s done something like this before in Unreal.

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