php – How to have multiple subdomains resolve the same in Laravel

I’m using the latest Laravel framework and I’m trying to point 2 URLs to the same code base. For instance, I have working fine and I want to do the same.

I have all my DNS routing and everything working fine. However, when I reach the public index page using, I get a 404, not the index page as I’m expecting.

I suspect it has something to do w/ my app.php’s ‘url’ value, which is currently set to However, looking through the codebase, I’m not seeing anything in routes that would make me get the 404 based off this URL. Maybe it’s because of the magic in the base framework?

I could make the ‘url’ value variable and just pick up the current URL. I’m not sure if that’s truly the problem though or if that would cause other issues down the road.

Any thoughts would be appreciated.

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