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How to Access Hundreds of AI Training Courses on LinkedIn Free

It seems for a lot of us, if we want to learn, we’ll need to do it on our own time, which is why LinkedIn has decided to offer 250 AI courses to LinkedIn members for a limited time, for free!

Accessing the courses on LinkedIn Learning couldn’t be easier. LinkedIn has removed the pay barrier entirely from these AI courses, making them available to all. All you need to do is click on them and start learning! We’ve listed a few highlights below.

LinkedIn AI Courses Available

Sifting through 250 AI courses might seem daunting, but they are broken up into subject areas on the LinkedIn Learning Hub, and users can also narrow them down by skill level. Speaking of skill, there really is something here for everyone, from those wanting to start at the basics, all the way to advanced  courses designed to supplement your existing AI knowledge.

It’s also worth noting that these courses are available in English, Brazilian Portuguese, French, German, Japanese, Mandarin, and Spanish.

Here’s a run down of some of the courses available and what you can expect:

Introductory AI courses

  • Building AI Literacy – This is a greater choice for those just starting out with AI. It consists of six modules, and should take you around six hours to complete. Along the way you’ll learn how to boost productivity, how to create prompts, and general explainers about AI terminology.
  • Develop Your Prompt Engineering Skills – This course is designed to help users communicate with AI models. Prompts are key to getting the most out of AI, and during this six module, four hour course, you’ll learn how to talk to AIs, understanding prompt hacking, and data analysis.
  • Responsible AI Foundations – This six module course clocks in and almost ten hours, and during that time you’ll learn the principles of responsible AI, how to apply them practically, and the “tools for building fairness into AI systems.”
  • Integrating Generative AI into Business Strategy – A good explainer into using AI in your business strategy, this course is a breezy 36 minutes, and, in the course maker’s own words is a “a comprehensive guide for decision makers to understand, assess, and implement generative AI effectively in their organization.”
  • Building Career Agility and Resilience in the Age of AI – Another short one, this 30 minute course, created by technology journalist and analysist, Chris Shipley, helps users adapt to AI in the workplace, develop an AI -friendly skill set and diversify their network.

Role Specific Courses

AI for Power Users Courses

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