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If you take the time now, at the very beginning of the growing season, to learn how to prepare for seed sowing, you will reap the rewards in your vegetable garden and flower beds. Not only will good organization lead to healthier and stronger seedlings, it will also mean lower stress levels and more enjoyment, too. 

Rather than hastily sowing seeds old and new and just hoping they will germinate, taking time to gather supplies and plan ahead will increase your success rates, giving you many more gorgeous plants for your yard. Growing vegetables, herbs, annual flowers or perennials from seed is not only fascinating and hugely satisfying, it’s also a brilliant opportunity to try and enjoy more unusual, heirloom crops and blooms. 

As horticultural expert Tabar Gifford explains: ‘A new season is a great time to explore, try something new, and expand your garden in meaningful ways. The key is to plan ahead and prepare now, for a successful and enjoyable spring and beyond.’ We have gathered some expert advice, to give you seven key tips for getting started with seed sowing this gardening year. 

seedlings in greenhouse

(Image credit: Getty Images/ Urbancow)

7 smart ways to prep for seed sowing

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